Class Analysis Meeting
During the morning reading sessions from 22nd to 24th November, the ninth grade of Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Department of the east campus convened six classes’ mid-term class analysis meetings in three steps. The meetings were chaired by Junior High Deputy Director Wang Shengxiang. Also in attendance were Principal Assistant& Junior High Director Lu Dan as well as Junior High Vice Director Hu Sen.
First of all, in combination with class situation and mid-term examination results, each head teacher conducted periodic summary and detailed analysis in terms of the overall learning conditions and ideological trends. Meanwhile, each head teacher put forward the subsequent key work in regard to the 2018 Senior High School Entrance Examination.
Second of all, class adviser in charge of the study-abroad class pointed out that the Junior High Section was supposed to expand the excellence rate and vigorously cultivate top students. On the other hand, head teachers in regular classes stressed that students should unite the thoughts, lay a solid foundation, reinforce ideological education to catch up vigorously and achieve favorable results in the Entrance Examination for Secondary School.
Third of all, in accordance with the mid-term examination grades, subject teachers proceeded periodic round-up respectively and exchanged key teaching points as well as matters needing attention in the next phase.
Fourth of all, Principal Assistant Lu Dan highly affirmed the achievements obtained by each class and encouraged everyone to stay true to the mission, get a clear understanding of the class situation, pinpoint the target in addition to making continuing efforts to strive hard in the 2018 Senior High School Entrance Examination and create another glory!
To sum up, this class analysis meeting not only provided data analysis methods for all teachers to objectively and impartially evaluate discipline teaching and class conditions, indicated directions for subsequent work, but also increased cohesion, enhanced morale and blew the horn for the 2018 Senior High School Entrance Examination!

